In diesem Bereich beschreibt Oliver diverse Verbesserungen und technische Lösungen, damit der Fiero besser, moderner und sicherer wird.

Color Trip Computer



Here are the download files for this project. The top section is a list of available firmwares for the generic version (i.e. currently F-bodies), next are the Fiero specific firmwares.

Finally, there is the "Set odometer and configuration" firmware, a tool that helps you merge firmware+splashscreen+background into a single download file and an accompanying Windows download to generate your configuration using the config editor.

Firmware files


V0.92 Fiero Firmware
Fiero V0.92
V0.92 Firebird/Camaro Firmware
Firebird/Camaro V0.92
Set Configuration Firmware
Set Configuration/Mileage


Splash Screens


Fiero Splash
Fiero Splash
Fiero Script
Fiero yellow
Camaro Shield
Camaro Shield
Camaro SS
Camaro SS
Pontiac Arrow
Pontiac Arrow
Arrow hex
Grey Arrow hex
Pontiac red hex
Red Arrow hex


US Backgrounds


Simple white
Elegant white
Simple white with fuel
Elegant white (fuel)
Red hex
Red hex
Red hex with fuel
Red hex (fuel)
Blue hex
Blue hex
Green hex
Green hex


Metric Backgrounds


Simple white
Elegant white
Simple white with fuel
Elegant white (fuel)
Red hex
Red hex
red hex with fuel
Red hex (fuel)
Blue hex
Blue hex
Blue hex with fuel
Blue hex (fuel)




Download File Merger "SRecord (srec_cat.exe)"
Configuration editor for Windows V1.02

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